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The Toulouse Hacking Convention (or THCon) is a cybersecurity conference that brings together hobbyists, professionals and researchers!

Since its inception in 2017, the THCon was held every year in Toulouse, France. Today, it is an unmissable cybersecurity event in Occitania, and beyond.

Who are we?

Behind the THCon stands a team of security enthusiasts, investing their energy together to create a major cybersecurity event, open to everyone.

Our team is made of professionals, students and researchers from all over France, willing to share their knowledge with others.

Interested in joining the adventure? Please contact us, we would be very happy to hear from you!

The team behind the THCon 2020


Start of the adventure thanks to a team of cybersecurity enthusiasts
300 participants
1 800 international participants
A hybrid face-to-face and remote conference to accommodate even more people.

The 2025 edition

We are very happy to announce that the 8th edition of your favorite cybersecurity conference is on track, and that it will be in-person!

THCon 2025 will take place in the Marthe Condat auditorium of the Paul Sabatier University on Thursday ,April 10th and Friday, April 11th. The CTF will take place at the ENSEEIHT on Saturday, April 12th.

The map

*Click on the places for more information*


We will organize a rump session on Thursday! More information to come, stay tuned!


Like the three previous editions, we will again organize a "Capture The Flag".

In that competition, players have to put their hacking skills into practice to solve cybersecurity challenges, like exploiting a flaw in a website, extracting data embedded in a memory image, finding vulnerabilities in an encryption protocol and much more… The resolution of each challenge gives you a "flag", a password needed to win points. The goal, as you might have guessed, is simply to score as much points as possible.

This CTF will take place during the Saturday that follows the talks, and the organization is yet to be seen. More information will come on our social networks.


In the last few editions, the CTF in hybrid face-to-face and distance learning format has captivated passionate and professional participants from all over the world!
This is partly due to the sponsorship of two international cybersecurity challenge platforms :
HackTheBox logo RootMe logo


The winning teams will win fancy prizes such as hacker equipment, t-shirts and many other surprises!

List of prizes is coming soon ! ...

Creation of challenges

In addition, if you want to contribute by working with us to provide new challenges, we would be pleased to hear from you. We have written some details there on our expectations. You can also contact us by email: Please be aware that if you submit a challenge you will not be able to compete in the CTF (but you can still play of course, you just can't win prizes!).

COVID Restrictions

We currently plan to let anyone come on-site.

Please keep in mind the restrictions may change depending on the health situation in April. We will do our best to keep everyone updated.


Stay tuned for more!

If you want to follow us or interact with us, we're present on many social networks, not only Twitter.

Pick your favorite poison :


THCon would not be possible without the support of our partners :

enseeihtenacinsa-toulouseANSSILAAS CNRSAD'OCCCIMIICOCyber'OccForum Toulouse TechnologieRCOWocsa


Interested in sponsoring us for the 2025 edition?

Please reach out to us at, we are impatient to hear from you!

If you want more details about last year's sponsors, just check this link.

🥇 gold

AIRBUSITrustKAUSTMISCOrange CyberdefenseSopra SteriaXMCO

🥈 silver

ContinentalESNA BretagneLEXFOLyraRoot-Me ProSQUADThalesViverisYNOV

🥉 bronze

DGSE - Ministère des ArméesG-EchoSynacktiv